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Pembina Oilmens Club

With the help of the participants, sponsors and contributors, the Pembina Oilmen's Club has donated over $600,000 back to the Drayton Valley community over the past 60 years!! 

Founding Members

Kevin Goble - Texaco Canada

Lloyd MacLean - MacLean Well Servicing

Gunner Neilson - Esso Resources

Stan Riauka - Mobil Oil Canada

John Wronko - Braidnor Construction

Trevor Piper - Skelly Oil Ltd.

Slim White - Pembina Pipeline Ltd.  

Executive Members

Cory Nelson - President

Nelson Bros. || 780-621-0989

Mike McQuarrie

Obsidian Energy

Dan Hill


Jeff Buchan - Treasurer

Elite Automation || 780-898-3317

Calvin Hlushak

Hellhounds Inc.

Evan Kluk

Secure Energy

Executive Service (10+ Years)

Cec Koethler - 25 years

Bob Boscher - 25 years

Bruce Clemmer - 22 years

Gerry Anderson - 19 years

Ernie Malanowich - 19 years

Joe Makarowski -18 years

Brian Winder - 17 years

Al Horne - 16 years

Lloyd MacLean - 14 years

Cliff Erickson - 14 years

Fred Bauman - 12 years

Howard Ganske - 12 years